ASCS Thanksgiving Outreach -
Nov 6 - 17 -
Let's share our blessings with those in need! Food collection - to stock St. Vincent DePaul Society food pantry at St. Mary's, assisting those in need in the local area. Non-perishable foods only: stuffing/mashed potatoes, gravy/cranberry sauce, canned vegetables, cake mix/bread mix/muffin mix. Students are asked to bring donations to the lobby of the main building.
Used Uniforms Cleaning out the closets? Has your student outgrown uniforms? If so, please donate useable uniform items to our uniform closet.
Coke Rewards Please see attached flier- double your donation to ASCS during November! Every little bit helps!
Bishop Stang HS Open House - November 5 Placement Exam will be taken by all 8th graders (free) at ASCS on Friday, Dec. 1st.
Tuition Raffle November Winner -
Mary Pavao - sold by Zoey, Gr 4
Contact the office to enter for December! - $20 per month for a chance at $400 tuition credit or $250 cash!
World's Finest Chocolates available! Each box contains 60 candy items, selling for $1 each, total value $60. You family earns $24 Fundraising credit for each box sold! Interested? Contact Mrs. Camara.
Please pray for our school, our students, and our families.
Peace in Jesus and Mary,
Mrs. Susan Massoud
Principal, All Saints Catholic School
All Saints Catholic School provides quality Catholic education in a safe environment where Jesus Christ is the model for the spiritual, academic, and personal growth of each unique student.