All Saints Catholic School Communicator - October 6, 2019
Annual Appeal contributions to date: $4089! Many thanks to our donors! Included in that amount is $325 raised by our Superhero Spirit Day. Many thanks to our families. Can you help us? Your donation to our Annual Appeal assists where our budget cannot!
This Week - This is the last week for Warm Weather Uniform!
Sunday, October 6 - Texas Roadhouse Restaurant Event - See flier attached.
Monday, October 7
Tuesday, October 8
Wednesday, October 9
Art Club (Grades 2-3 only) 2:45 - 3:45 pm
Thursday, October 10
Friday, October 11
Monday, October 14 - No School - Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 15 - Winter Uniform Options begin! Shorts may no longer be worn for PE or regular uniform.
Looking Ahead:
ASCS website:
ASCS Calendar -
Parent & Student Handbook 2019-2020 and ASCS Policies
Parentweb (Renweb) Login https://ascs-ma.client.renweb.
ASCS Prayer Line - Submit prayer requests
ASCS Parents Group on Facebook - search ASCS Parent Group and ask to join!
Parent Tip Sheets for Eureka Math (Gr K- 5) -
Reminders & Announcements
Hallowed Halls! One of our most attended events of the year! Please see attached info.
Lifetouch Picture Day is coming on October 17! This will be a dress uniform day. Please be sure to send in order forms if you would like to purchase.
Please note that BeyBlades may not be brought to school as these toys present a safety issue.
From ASCS Parent & Student Handbook ( pages 18-19)
Toys, trading cards, collectables and other similar personal possessions may not be brought to school or extended care. During the school day, activities do not include the use of personal toys, and extended care has a full range of toys and games for use by our students. The exception to this policy would be “show & tell” in P3, P4 & K on the specific day your child is allowed to bring an item. Please see fidgets policy and cell phone/electronics policy.
Trading cards and collectables may not be traded at school or extended care. This is for the protection of our students and their possessions, as the staff is in no way responsible for monitoring or negotiating disputes about trades.
Please pray for our school, our students, and our families.
Peace in Jesus and Mary,
Mrs. Susan Massoud
Principal, All Saints Catholic School