All Saints Catholic School Communicator - Friday, March 5, 2021
Greetings All Saints Families!
As we enter week 25 of school, we are so happy to have a number of our long term distance learners choosing to return on-site! Our first class to return fully on-site is grade 8. We are also in the midst of Lent, entering the third week of this special season. Our Diocese has provided some resources for the Lenten season - check them out!
Please note that TODAY, March 5, is the FACE Scholarship Application deadline! Please be sure to start your application if you have not done so already. The need throughout the diocese is great - don’t miss out because you haven’t applied on time!
As mentioned last week Mrs. Lacey Jacobsen, our new school counselor, will be working with individual students and groups in the coming weeks and months. An opt out form is attached here for parents who do not consent to the school counselor speaking with your child. Please return the completed form by March 12 if you do not wish your student to participate.
Please continue to be vigilant in taking Covid precautions, including the Massachusetts Travel Order, as well as being forthcoming in notifying the school (Nurse Erin Costa and myself) if your student is exposed to Covid. Please email Mrs. Massoud if your student will be returning on-site. At this point we ask that students opt for distance learning only if there is a real need, as has been the case for many of our long term distance learners and of course for those who are ill or must quarantine. If you as parent feel there is a reason for your student to begin distance learning in the coming weeks please contact Mrs. Massoud
As you are aware, availability and eligibility for Covid vaccination is expanding daily. Please see the USCCB Guidelines below for important information about the different types of vaccinations.
Sea Lab applications are here! If your grade 3 - 8 student is interested in applying for this incredible summer program, please request an application from the school office. Check out the Sea Lab website (not yet updated for 2021) for information about the program. All applications are due to Sea Lab by April 1. Scholarships are available. Please note that returning Sea Lab participants are contacted directly by Sea Lab and the last day to request teacher/school recommendations is Friday March 26.
After school activities are off to a great start. Please see the website for more information. We are working on accommodating more students when possible.
This Week:
March 8
Not Your Average Joe’s Fundraiser - 15% of your purchase (with coupon below) supports ASCS - take out or dine-in! Enjoy great food and support a great cause.
STEM 3 & 4 meets 2:45 - 3:30 pm
Puzzles & Games 1 & 2 meets 2:45 - 3:30 pm
ASCS Dance Club meets 2:45 - 3:30 pm
March 9
ASCS Ballet Club - Grades 1& 2 meets 2:45 - 3:30 pm
March 10
Wacky Wednesday - Character Spirit Day - wear your favorite character shirt or sweatshirt with jeans and sneakers. Spirit uniform is also acceptable
Trimester 2 Grades close - ALL student work is due no later than today!
March 11
ASCS Ballet Club - Kindergarten 2:45 - 3:30 in K activity room.
Last day to use MAP spirit and non-uniform passes!
March 12
Track Club meets 2:45 - 4 pm
Dorothy Cox Chocolates Fundraiser - orders & $$ due
Through March 15 - Scholastic Virtual Book Fair - Brochures will be sent home on Tuesday. Beginning March 2 click the link here to enter the fair!. An awesome opportunity to support ASCS while getting some great reads of your student! Orders will arrive before Easter.
Is there an ASCS staff person whose efforts have made an impact this year? Is there a staff person who should be recognized for their dedication? Please nominate them at Nominate a School Member. Each month, the nominees will be eligible for a raffle of a $100 gift card. This will occur monthly through the end of the school year.
Calendar Reminders:
March 16 - NO SCHOOL - GNBCS Professional Day - Flat Rate Ex Care Available
March 17 - Wacky Wednesday - St. Patrick’s Spirit Day - wear St. Patrick’s themed / green shirt or sweatshirt with jeans and sneakers.
March 23 - Report cards issued for Grades 1 - 8
March 24 - Wacky Wednesday - Positive Vibes Spirit Day - wear your favorite “positive” shirt or sweatshirt (positive or uplifting words or graphic) with jeans and sneakers
Holy week - March 28( Passion/Palm Sunday), April 1 (Holy Thursday)
April 2 - Good Friday - No School - No Distance Learning
April 4 - Easter Sunday
April 16 - 21 - Savers FUNDrive - Clothing and household textile collection. All families are asked to assist with donations. Click on the link above to pledge your estimated number of “bags” before April 8.
April 19 - 23 April Vacation - No School - No Distance Learning
Looking Ahead
ASCS Summer Program - Need affordable summer child care? Reserve your child’s place now for this summer! Enrollment is limited, please see our website for details and registration.
Supporting Our School
The ASCS 2021 Annual Fund is focused on defraying the costs of the special items we have and will need to purchase to keep our school community safe and socially distanced. To date we have raised $3200 thanks to the generosity of our parents! The website accepts both Annual Fund and Outreach donations for whatever charity is currently supported. Donations will be billed to your FACTS Incidental Billing or you may send a check to the school.
When you shop at
BoxTops for Education While the Box Tops program has shifted to on-line, it remains a booster to our school funds, without costing our families! Please join the program and scan your receipts - 10 cent donation from products you buy can add up to hundred of dollars for ASCS!
Stop & Shop Gift cards - We have these on site for purchase! Please contact Mrs. Camara if you are interested. 5% of your purchase is credited to your Fundraising Fee.
Shop With Scrip Program - see https://shop.
Important Links & Contacts:
ASCS website:
ASCS Calendar -
Faculty and Staff Listing with emails:
Learning Choices - On-site / Distance Learning / Hybrid -
Used uniform sales. Contact Mrs. Camara at 508-995-3696 or by email [email protected]
Purchasing new gym and spirit items from the school -
Purchase masks -
2021 Return and DESE links -
NBPS menu for All Saints - see https://schools.
FACTS SIS Family Portal Login https://ascs-ma.client.renweb.
ASCS Prayer Line - Submit prayer requests
ASCS Parents Group on Facebook - search ASCS Parent Group and ask to join!
Parent Tip Sheets for Eureka Math (Gr K- 5) -
In faith and together as a community, we can make this year a successful academic, social and spiritual journey for our students, as we try to keep everyone safe and healthy! Please pray for our school, our students, and our families.
Peace in Jesus and Mary,
Mrs. Susan Massoud
Principal, All Saints Catholic School
All Saints Catholic School provides quality Catholic education in a safe environment where Jesus Christ is the model for the spiritual, academic, and personal growth of each unique student.
We Are One + We Are All Saints
Academically focused, Spiritually alive Community of Saints in training