All Saints Catholic School Communicator - Friday, October 16, 2020
Greetings All Saints Families!!
We have just completed our seventh week of school! Many thanks to all of our parents and teachers who particpated in conferences and the Lifetouch photo opportunity this past week. Our students look awesome in their dress uniforms! Check out our Facebooks page for photos of student artwork and daily life at ASCS!. .
Calendar Reminders:
Wednesday, October 28 - Halloween Spirit Day -Students and staff are invited to wear a Halloween color/themed shirt with jeans and sneakers. No costumes or masks. Be sure graphics are appropriate for school - if in doubt, please ask!
Also - In years past, parents have been generous in sending in Halloween treats for their child’s classmates. Due to Covid restrictions and the climbing metrics in our area, and out of an abundance of caution, we cannot allow outside food treats or any other items to be distributed this year. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we continue to try to keep our studesnt safe and healthy.
Friday, October 30 - 11:30 am dismissal - Faculty and Staff PD - Our biannual CPR Certification. Ex Care is available!
Wednesday, Nov 11 - Veteran’s Day - No School, No Ex Care
Thursday, Nov 19 - Walgreens Flu Clinic at ASCS -
If your child is receiving the flu vaccination at a physician’s visit, please be sure to send documentation to Nurse Erin. All students are required to receive the flu vaccination by Dec 31, 2020 (MA DPH/DESE)
Wednesday, Nov 25 - 11:30 dismissal - Ex Care to 4 pm - Thanksgiving Break begins
Thursday / Friday, Nov 26,27 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
Wednesday, Dec 2 - Lifetouch retakes and candids
Uniform reminders
“Formal Fridays”/full dress uniform with ASCS sweater and dress shoes are now required every Friday.
Outerwear may not be worn indoors. The school sweatshirt or school sweater, are the only items that may be worn inside the school building. ASCS fleece jackets and ASCS vests are also acceptable(regular uniform days only). These are available on the Donnelly's website.
Winter uniform options are now allowed on regular uniform days. Options include a white long sleeve turtleneck worn with the school sweater or sweatshirt, and on spirit/gym days the ASCS t-shirt may be worn over a solid white or dark colored long sleeve t-shirt or turtle neck. Girls may also wear Donnelly's khaki pants and are encouraged to wear black tights instead of socks. Please see the ASCS Uniform Policy, found in the 2020-2021 Student and Parent Handbook for additional information.
Learning Choices - Please email Mrs. Massoud if you would like your student to return on-site from distance learning or if you would prefer your student to begin distance learning.
Attendance reminders:
Parents must call or email when the student is absent.
K - Gr 8 students who are absent, but able to participate in distance learning are expected to do so. For planned absences, be sure books and materials are taken home the day before.
When students are returning to school after experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or quarantine, a negative COVID test or doctor’s note clearing the student for return must be provided to the school the day prior to returning. Doctor’s notes may be emailed, faxed or dropped off in the office.
Travelling? Please be sure you are aware of Massachusetts Travel Order:
Homework Club for Gr 5-8 meets Mondays and Tuesdays ONLY and is dismissed at 3:15 at the ramp exit of the Moore Center (Annex). Masks must remain on while in attendance.
After School Activities - Please note that we are awaiting diocesan approval to begin Track and other after school activities which will have limited enrollment. Please watch for info at
ASCS Track Club - Parents of students interested in participating in ASCS Track may complete the interest form at
STEM Opportunities - Grades 1 - 8 will have some special STEM opportunities - both in classes and after school - in the coming months as ASCS participates in the Diocesan STEM Academy. Grades 1 - 4 will be participating in a STEM Olympiad and Grades 5 - 8 (as a club) will be exploring Robotics. More information coming soon!
The schedule for Grades 1-3, and 5-8 remains unchanged. Grade 4 will be emailed a new schedule today. Log in codes are provided on the schedules. Your student’s Google Classroom is the “go to” for information about schedule changes, etc!
Supporting Our School:
We are in need of high volume hepa/UV air purifiers for our classrooms as we enter the winter months. Donations to the ASCS 2021 Annual Fund are much appreciated - and needed - so that we can purchase these units which will cost nearly $3000! The ASCS 2021 Annual Fund is focused on defraying the costs of the special items we have needed and will need to purchase to keep our school community safe and socially distanced. To date we have spent over $10,000, which was not originally budgeted. To date we have raised $400 toward our now $13,000 goal! Our Annual Fund link remains open for anyone who would like to contribute. Donations will be billed to your FACTS Incidental Billing or you may send a check to the school.
When you shop at
BoxTops for Education - While the Box Tops program has shifted to on-line, it remains a booster to our school funds, without costing our families! Please join the program and scan your receipts - 10 cent donation from products you buy can add up to hundred of dollars for ASCS!
Stop & Shop Gift cards - We have these on site for purchase! Please contact Mrs. Camara if you are interested. 5% of your purchase is credited to your Fundraising Fee.
Shop With Scrip Program - Please see https://shop.
Important Links & Contacts:
ASCS website:
ASCS Calendar -
Faculty and Staff Listing with emails:
Learning Choices - On-site / Distance Learning / Hybrid -
Used uniform sales. Contact Mrs. Camara at 508-995-3696 or by email [email protected]
Purchasing new gym and spirit items from the school -
Purchase masks -
2021 Return and DESE links -
NBPS menu for All Saints - see https://schools.
FACTS SIS Family Portal (Renweb) Login https://ascs-ma.client.renweb.
ASCS Prayer Line - Submit prayer requests
ASCS Parents Group on Facebook - search ASCS Parent Group and ask to join!
Parent Tip Sheets for Eureka Math (Gr K- 5) -
In faith and together as a community, we can make this year a successful academic, social and spiritual journey for our students, as we try to keep everyone safe and healthy! Please pray for our school, our students, and our families.
Peace in Jesus and Mary,
Mrs. Susan Massoud
Principal, All Saints Catholic School
All Saints Catholic School provides quality Catholic education in a safe environment where Jesus Christ is the model for the spiritual, academic, and personal growth of each unique student.
We Are One + We Are All Saints
Academically focused, Spiritually alive Community of Saints in training